It all began one dark night in the beautifull Eastern kingdoms, in the land of Azeroth. I was walking around the Elwynn Forest when I stopped to buy a drink in Goldshire. I entered the tavern and and set by the window when I heard some strange looking guys whispering about stolen goods from Nortshire Abbey. They were planning how to transport those goods to the Stormwind, the capital of Eastern Kingdoms, and then sell them on the black market. I listened carefully what they were planning to do and I discovered the whole plot . When they went out I followed them and just to make sure that they would not see me I turned my prowl mode on (I am Night Elf Druid 39.lvl). I followed them all the way to Tower of Azora and then I saw their boss Garrick Padfoot. Several minutes later I decided to turn off my prowl mode and to bring those bastards to justice! First I attacked them with my mace and then with my Moonfire. Battle lasted for a few minutes! And guess what?! I was victorius! I took stolen goods to their owners (the people of Northshire Abbey). I got bonus experience, gold, reputation and in the end I was a hero, a protector of all people across the Eastern Kingdom!
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