I really wanted to go camping with my friends this summer.But my parents said no.Iwas too young for a holiday on my own.
So we went to the mountains again.The same place,the same hotel.I was prepared for a terribly boring holiday.
When we got there it was raining.It rained for 3 days and we were stuck at the hotel watching TV and playing cards.
Then I saw her.Blue eyes,long blond hair, so pretty I could't take my eyes off her.For days I followed her from a distance.
My eyes were glowing so much my mum thought I had a temperature.
One morning at breakfast she came over to my table and asked me something.My heart was beating so fast I couldn't understand a thing.When she repeated her question I realized she wanted to play tennis with me.
Her name was ANita and she was from Sweden.We became friends.The only problem was that my English was so bad she had a hard time understanding me.
Anyway, I've got her address and we'll kepp in touch.And English is on the top of my list this year.Guess Why!
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